
Bürkle GmbH
Rheinauen 5
D-79415 Bad Bellingen
Tel. +49 (0)7635/82795-0
Fax +49 (0)7635/82795-31

Managing Director:
Martin Saint-Denis
VAT-No. DE 263 386 955

Register court:
Amtsgericht Freiburg i. Br., HRB 701113

Responsible according to § 55 section 2 of the German broadcast state contract:
Martin Saint-Denis
c/o Bürkle GmbH
Rheinauen 5
D-79415 Bad Bellingen
Tel. +49 (0)7635/82795-0
Fax +49 (0)7635/82795-31

1. Limitation of liability

Contents of this web site

Although the contents of this web site have been generated with the greatest possible care, the Provider accepts no warranty for the correctness, completeness or topicality of the contents provided. Utilization of the contents of the web site takes place at the User’s risk. Signed contributions: the opinions expressed in signed contributions reflect the opinion of the particular author and not necessarily that of the Provider.

Availability of the web site

Although the Provider will endeavor to supply a service that is as interruption-free as is possible, down times cannot be excluded even if the greatest possible care is taken. The Provider reserves the right to change or remove the contents at any time.

External links

This web site contains links to third-party web sites ("external links"). These web sites are subject to the liability of the particular web site provider. During the first access to such an external link the Provider has checked the third-party contents for possible violations of rights; at this time no such violations were evident. The Provider has no influence on the current and future layout and contents of such linked web sites. Setting external links does not mean that the Provider assumes or asserts any rights to the contents of such external links. It is not reasonable to expect the Provider to continually check the contents of such external links without concrete information about violations of rights. If the Provider becomes aware of violations of rights then such external links will be deleted immediately.


The particular author is responsible for the contents of the advertisements, as well as for the contents of the advertised web site. The presentation of an advertisement does not indicate its acceptance by the Provider.

No contractual relationship

No contractual relationship between the User and the Provider comes into existence as a result of the use of the Provider’s web site by the User. As a result no contractual or quasi-contractual claims can be made against the Provider.

2. Copyright and ancillary copyright


The contents published on this web site are subject to the German copyright and ancillary copyright laws. Any utilization of the site contents not permitted by the German copyright and ancillary copyright laws requires the prior agreement of the Provider or particular copyright holder in writing. This applies in particular to copying, editing, translating, storing or processing the contents and entering them in databases or other electronic media and systems. Third-party contents and rights are indicated as such. The unauthorized copying or transmission of individual contents or complete pages is prohibited and subject to due penalty at law. Only the preparation of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.

Links to the web site of the Provider are welcome at any time and do not require the agreement of the Provider. The presentation of this web site in third-party frames requires prior authorization.


4. Authority of the German version; Applicable law

The German text of this Limitation of Liability is the authoritative version. The laws of the Republic of Germany are the solely applicable laws.

5. Special conditions of use

Should special conditions exist for the individual use of this web side that vary from # 1 – 4 mentioned above then these are expressly indicated at the relevant locations. In this case the special conditions of use apply to the particular individual case.

Your personal Bürkle catalog

Bürkle catalogue 2021